Sunday, May 31, 2009

After 400+days..

Am I still holding on something that I shouldn't hold on?
No, I guess I'm NOT..
Why my mind just can't follow the way I should move on?
I don't know..
After these 400+ days, things and people have changed.
things are not going to be the same again.
What's over was just memory... and we need to move forward..
We know these very well.. However, it's just the matter we can do it or not.
ME? I'm still learning, trying hard to do so.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

I'm waiting for the next trip.. AGAIN..

I'm waiting for the next trip.. AGAIN!

oh dear, I'm just back from Bali one week ago..
And now, I can't wait to going for the next trip!
I'm deeply indulge in TRAVELS..
I love TRAVELS..
I wanna TRAVELS..
ehhem.. but now it's the time to SAVE MONEY..

Friday, May 29, 2009

New look~

I've gave my bloggie a new look!

Muahahaha, I love it!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Escape to Bali

Hey guys! I'm back from Bali.
I've posted the story at
We'd had a great time there!