Tuesday, January 19, 2010


我回來囉! 7天的臺灣冬之旅一眨眼就過去了耶~
第一次弄塞酒店的馬桶 (超丟臉的 >.<), .
看雪, 玩雪~
等等, 等等..

臺北: 西門町, 臺北101, 士林夜市,淡水, 九份, 青桐;

臺中: 埔里, 廬山, 清境, 合歡山, 日月潭,九族文化村

很難忘, 很讚, 很棒的臺灣冬之旅!


臺灣人實在好熱情哦! 一定會再去 ^^

旅行詳情, 會慢慢的post 上來哦


Friday, January 8, 2010

下一站, 幸福

人生有如搭公車, 路上會經過許多車站..
每一站, 會有不一樣的人上車, 下車..
每一站, 會看到不一樣風景, 不一樣的天氣..
沒有人知道, 下一站, 會是怎樣..
哪一站, 會是終點..
現在的我, 經過了多少站呢?
幸福.. 會不會在下一站?

Image by: Hwiyee

Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 New Year Countdown Party

On New Year Eve, we planned to have dinner and movie session at Tropicana City (cos we think there will not be too crowded..)
However, when we reached there, all the tickets were sold out..
We were wondering where else can we go, cos we don't want go to places that are too crowded.
When we were about to leave the shopping mall, we realised that is a countdown party at the front of the mall.
The party was not crowded, had lotsa tables and seats.
They even provided free face painting, magic show(the handsome magician), party packs and firework display!
Face painting~

Hoho, when a butterfly met a rose~

Don't Bully me ar >.<

Cute gal~

we never fail to enjoy each other's company..
except SOMEONE that had shouted:"I don't want to be single anymore!" on 0:00 01/01/2010.. LOL XD
haha, I know she loves us too ^^

Beautiful firework display for more than 10 minutes (I guess, too exited XD)

It's 2010!

A great countdown party that we don't need to stand all along.. Tables and seats were provided, we got party packs and drinks! muahahaha ^^

What a surprising and wonderful night with my gals!
We had fun and really enjoy the night!
Happy New Year everyone!